Sunday, November 29, 2009


Good Evening.

Mom and Kim both wanted me to let you know how much they appreciate your prayers. Mom said that they felt them and asked you to not stop praying just because they are home now.

While you're praying, I would ask you to pray for my family. Lucy and I have been sick for almost 5 weeks now. Danny got sick just before Thanksgiving and now Daniel seems to be coming down with it too. The icing on this cake though is that Lucy now has Hand, Foot, Mouth disease.  Awful sores in her mouth and on her hands and feet.  Please pray for us to get well. We can't visit Grannie until we're all better.

Since we can't visit her, she wanted me to let you know that she will be home alone most of the time and if you would like to come over and keep her company for awhile during the week, she would love to have someone to visit with her.  Having someone to talk to helps keep her mind off of the pain. She can't do much for herself so she can get pretty lonely with nothing to do and no one to talk too.  *She does want you to call her before you come to make sure she is feeling okay that day. Some days are really bad and she just doesn't feel like company, but most days are good.

If you'd like to sit with her, just call and let her know when too. If you need her phone number you can email me privately and I'll give it to you.

1 comment:

  1. Hi guys...I meant to post this prior to our trip this Thanksgiving, so I'll post it now, knowing that Kim's birthday has passed!

    hehe...first of all, Kim, have a marvelous birthday!'re HOW OLD?!?!?!?

    Second, God surprises us, ALL the time! Even something as small as getting thrown back in a hair-dresser's chair! We are praying continually for you, Anne (and Kim!) for diagnosis, healing, and peace. Mostly, peace...ahem...for Kim! :) Just kidding...peace for Anne....especially when dealing with Kim... :)

    As we were originally God-breathed, and the Word is God-breathed, may you take a breath of fresh air, filled with Life (which is Christ).

    The Son is the radiance of God's glory and the exact representation of his being, sustaining all things by his powerful word. After he had provided purification for sins, he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty in heaven. Heb 1:3

    May you rest in the ultimate peace of God..."for anyone who enters God's rest also rests from his own work, just as God did from his. Let us, therefore, make every effort to enter that rest," Heb 4:10-11 This is talking about our taking our rest when we put our trust in the Lord for all that we do in His, reflect on His peace that surpases ALL understanding, TRUST in Him, and you will have the rest.... (tell Kim to go take a nap!) But when we are required to rest, it means we have worked. And you have definitely worked for God.

    We love you guys...Anne, we do and always have had a special connection with each other through the miles. Thank you, thank you, thank you for providing the avenue that I could know Christ as a Saviour. You ARE an amazing, truly blessed, woman of God. That time in your house, on your stairs, when you led me to Christ, was a pivotal point in my life where I started to LIVE for Christ.

    May God bless you through your struggle, and may you continue to bless, honor, and praise God.
