Friday, November 20, 2009

Good news Bad news

I just talked to mom and she did not get the results of the EMG today like she thought she might. She'll have to wait until Monday.
There is good news and bad news:

The good news is that she did get into see the Rheumatologist today and he spent 2 1/2 hours with her.

The bad news is that he thinks the problem is with her neck, shoulder, and rotator cuff.  This was VERY discouraging to her and to Kim.  They were very much hoping for a PMR diagnosis and could go home early next week.  But this to her is a huge set back.

This whole thing started with her neck and the doctors claimed that her 'small' problem couldn't cause these big symptoms, so it MUST be a neuromuscular/neurological disease.  AND now we're back to the neck. She's devastated. 

The Rheumatologist did say that her 'small' problem could cause her big symptoms, and since most of her symptoms are more on one side of her body, that it was very unlikely that it was PMR and that it was more mechanical.  He showed her image after image of patients that were diagnosed with PMR and ended up at Mayo because they weren't getting better and it turned out to be a neck problem. He said that if it was PMR that she would be dramatically better on the steroids already after two weeks.

He wants her to start physical therapy on Monday and she will return to the neurologist also.  He also wants her to see a near-surgeon there as well. Oh, and he wants to take her off of the steroids too. That was really hard for her because she was feeling so much better on them.

She and Kim are both very upset and asked me to tell you all not to call her. They don't want to talk to anyone right now.  I think since they were hoping to come home on Tuesday and now they aren't, it's a little more upsetting. (i for one, never thought they'd be coming home that quickly)  And they aren't there to come home quickly, they are there to find out what's wrong with Mom, so I don't care how long they have to stay.

Please keep praying.  We were hoping that once she was at Mayo that ALL the doctors would agree and since they aren't agreeing, it's kinda hard to swallow.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Anne,
    You are in my thoughts all the time, and I am so glad that Stacy has done this blog. I hope you will have more and more good days very soon. Just keep trusting in God and He will carry you through. I do want to get over to see you, and know I need to call first.
    Mike and I both send our love, Pam T.
