Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Surgery! - update

Good Evening,

I haven't posted an update before now because Mom had some issues that I wanted to get results/reports on before I did.

The surgery went really well. The doctor was able to repair her bicep tendon and he cleaned out her rotator cuff.  He also said that he believes her recovery will only be about 4 months instead of 6, so that is excellent news.

She is having a bladder issue. We aren't sure where it's coming from. We think it might be a combination of things.  The meds she's been taking for so long and the meds from the IV might have sent her bladder into a spasm.  She cannot release anything from her bladder really.  She went to the doctor had to drain it today and will possibly have to do it again tomorrow.  He put her on antibiotics to help.  She is in a lot of pain from the bladder, much more than her shoulder.

She's very upset by this as you can imagine. And in her words, 'it can't be just one thing, it's always more than one and makes it even harder.'

Please pray for her recovery from both of these issues.  She can deal with the shoulder if her bladder would just stop hurting! 

She will start physical therapy next week on the shoulder.

Thanks again for all your prayers! Please keep them coming! She covets them!

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