Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Some Improvement

I went over to Mom's house yesterday. She wasn't feeling well and needed some company.  Later, Kim called and told me to get her ready to go to the doctor's office. She didn't want to go, but complied. 

Here is what happened at Dr. E's office:

*She hasn't had the electrical stimulation therapy since last Thursday. She thinks it was making her feel bad, but we aren't sure.  She will try it again later.

*She is on a steady dose of the new medication for now. She'll increase it later, probably in January.

*She does have bruising and scarring on her spinal cord that is permanent. At this point she cannot have neck surgery of any kind because of the condition of her neck.  The only reason they would do surgery is if she was in danger of being paralyzed.  She's not there, yet.

*She does have Chronic Pain Syndrome (CPS).  It started in the neck and has traveled around her body because it was left untreated. Most patients with CPS have more severe pain and symptoms at night (which is the case for Mom).

*She has to work through the pain so that she can get to physical therapy. She starts that hopefully on Friday, December 18.

The visit with Dr. E. was EXCELLENT.  We had a lot of questions answered and we all left feeling hopeful.  Dr. E said that he already thought she was getting better.  I asked him upfront if she would get well and he said yes. She does that the permanent damage to her spinal cord and her reflexes are 'brisk'. That will also not ever go away.  The physical therapy will last 3-4 months. 

She's trying to focus on other things now. She is listening to music and CD's of her favorite preachers.  She also met us at the door today, already showered and dressed. She was more active today than she has been and tonight is not doing to badly with the help of her pain medicine. 

here is how you can pray for her:

*pray that she sleeps at night. i'm sure you know how awful it is to be exhausted and not be able to sleep. She has been waking up several times a night in pain and discomfort with the spasms.

*pray that she is assigned the right physical therapist, and can continue her treatments here in Houston without having to travel back to Mayo Clinic for their rehabilitation program.

*pray that she will be able to stay focused on the improvements she's seeing and not on the pain.

*And pray for Kim too. He's doing such an amazing job taking care of Mom, but it can be exhausting.

Please feel free to leave a message. Mom and Kim both read them.


  1. We are so glad you are starting to feel a little better, and will continue to pray. We miss you and LOVE YOU!!

    Carl and Audrey

  2. I am in a Chrismtas school countdown frenzy!! Even though I can hardly keep up with myself and the kids, I never stop remembering you both and praying for you both. Please try not to feel neglected! I want to be there, but I have so many responsibilities being room mother, soloists, choir director, etc. It's nuts! Hang in there, Anne! I love you and Kim both and hold the 31st open for us! We can have a quiet night wherever you want...at our home, yours, out, and it can be as short or as long as you need. We will follow your lead! I also have your Christmas present ready to go and I hope it will inspire you to get well! Know that we are praying for you and believing for the best.
    If you feel like it, I am singing with Scott Belin "Ten Thousand Joys" at the Christmas concert on Sunday evening, 6:00, out West. The concert is WONDERFUL and I think you would really enjoy all of the songs so much! It includes the choirs from all the campuses! I just wanted to let you know. Hugs for now! Kim, you are doing a super-duper job! You are amazing and wonderful and sweet and the list goes on! David and I miss you both so much and we miss our nights out! Love...D2

  3. Hi Ann,
    I have been talking to Stacy this week and she has shared with me how you are doing. It makes my heart break. I was reading 2 Peter the other day and I wanted to share this verse with you. "Then the Lord knows how to resue Godly men from trials", 2 Pet. 2:9. He WILL RESCUE YOU from this trial. He has promised us that. You are a chosen child of God. You are set apart for Him and Him alone. I praise GOd that this promise applies to you. I pray that God will open your mind and heart to his truth and wisdom. You are a precious, holy, and beautiful person. And I love you in Christ and thru Him.

  4. Hi Anne,

    I am so busy with work, my mom, and my family, that I can't do all the things I would love to do... one of which is spend more time with you, my dear friend. I miss you, and I am praying for you to heal in every way. I know you will, and I'm encouraged that there's a diagnosis and a wonderful doctor that is caring for you. Be strong, and keep believing that all will be much, much better in the next few months.

    My mom was released from the hospital last Monday. She is still on dialysis 3 x's a week. She took a very bad fall, two days after her release from the hospital. Her legs just gave out and she landed face first on the tile floor in her home. We called 911 for help... we weren't sure exactly what she injured. She has a vertical laceration on her forehead that required 10 stitches, her nose was cut open at the top and the cut was glued rather than stitched. Her nose was also broken... all of this resulting in more blood than I've ever seen come out of a person in my life, two horrible black eyes, lots of swelling and bruising, and such disappointment on so many levels. Her illness is taking its toll on all of us, but she's fighting for her life and to get back to some sort of normalcy. She could need dialysis for and undetermined amount of time, possibly forever... but we hope that won't be the case. I'm going to try to get her out to do a bit of shopping tomorrow with the help of a walker or a wheelchair.

    I'm not sure if you are able to get out at all these days. If you can, and you need me to take you anywhere, please don't hesitate to let me know. Today was the first day I haven't been at my mom's side for about 5 weeks. Every minute of every day has been taken up with caring for her. Home health care will start in the next day or two, which should relieve some of the pressure on the rest of us to be there with her every day. So that will free me up to do other things and allow me the luxury of a little bit of spare time.

    You know this is my busy season. We are installing Trisha Dickenson's draperies in her living room tomorrow... she decided on the red fabric with the large rope diamonds in it. I think it will be beautiful... a finial treatment! I also ordered blinds for Sharon Sheridan's kitchen, and a Duette shade for her door... she wanted something that wouldn't move when she opened the door, and would go away when she didn't need privacy or sunlight control. I expect to get them installed this week as well. Her kitchen is beautiful, and she loves it... you and Dale did an awesome job, as always.

    So that's the update for now. I am always up late, and if you need to talk to someone at night, when you're not feeling so great, please call me... I'm willing to listen and help if I can.

    Take good care, and keep the faith. I love you... and miss you terribly.


  5. Hello Anne and Kim, this is a follow up to the e-mail I sent you , Anne. I am getting ready to leave Doha, Qatar later tonight and arrive into Houston tomorrow night. Long journey but well worth getting home.Ubaldo and I are excited about returning to Houston for a period of time. I will try to call you, not sure when , as with age, the jet lag lasts a lot longer. We have our sons coming for Christmas on the 20th, so will be busy with them for about 10 days. I have you in my prayers and cannot wait to see you. It has been to long and I have missed you, Love, Dona

  6. Hi Anne,
    I have been thinking about you and praying for you today. May you feel the presence of Our Lord as you continue to walk through your trial,and feel the comfort of His love. I am encouraged by the news! I hope that you and Kim have a Blessed Christmas despite all of this.
    Much love to you - Cari
